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We unite people
To do what you love, to develop what is meaningful
A Journey to Leadership

Your path on the track to leadership

A clear vector of development
Choose a team in one of the directions and gain experience and knowledge
Mentor and community
Get knowledge from mentors, and in the community — exchange of experience, informal communication and joint activities.

Mentors will help you become a leader


INCOR employees are a key strategic resource that ensures competitiveness and contributes to the success of the company. Professionalism is a competitive advantage in achieving and maintaining business leadership.

Respect is the basis of teamwork: We value each other and everyone's contribution to the common cause.

To St. Petersburg for love relocation
We live as a family, we work as a team
Our values
  • We do so to be proud of the result
  • We act as one team
  • We develop leading technologies
  • Getting better every day
Why our employees love their work
Management always meets you halfway if you are interested in something and want to grow in your professional skills and gain new knowledge. It is always a pleasure to represent the company at conferences in the field of engineering and IT areas.
It's hard to prove yourself when your head is full of something like: how to sign up and where to go to the doctor, how to catch Zen or who to go to a concert with. ANCHOR has everything without parting with wages, VMI, English, team building and corporate meetings.
Literally everyone understands now where we are and where we are going. We read regular news, and there is always something to discuss with colleagues at coffee points!
And although our processes are well established, we remain flexible - we are not afraid to change and test hypotheses. Here you can express your opinion or idea (yes, even to the boss of the boss) and influence the process. And if someone is shy, then you can anonymously.
INCOR has everything to learn new things - work with a mentor and experienced mentors. The company is growing, which means that new interesting directions and roles are emerging.
You quickly start to feel like you belong. From day one, every employee has a mentor who helps with literally everything, and your supervisor is no longer about control, but about participation and support. All colleagues are incredibly responsive and humorous. They find not only themselves here, but also great friends.
We live as a family, we work as a team


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