Technology partners

Technology partners are the heart of our company. We are proud to cooperate with the world's leading companies and leaders in their industries. Together we create unique solutions that change the world for the better.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the most advanced technologies and innovations that will help them achieve success and prosperity. We are constantly working to ensure that our partners are aware of the latest trends and developments so that they can use them to achieve their goals.

We value each of our partners and strive for long-term cooperation. Our relationship is based on trust, respect and mutual benefit. We are confident that together we can reach new heights and make the world a better place.
  • Gazprom PJSC
    Russian Multinational Energy Company
  • Gazprom Neft PJSC
    A Russian vertically integrated oil company.
  • Sibur Holding
    One of the largest integrated petrochemical companies in Russia.
  • China National Chemical Engineering & Construction Corporation Seven, Ltd
    China National Chemical Engineering Construction Company.
  • PJSC Novatek
    A company engaged in natural gas production.
  • Surgutneftegaz PJSC
    One of the largest oil companies in Russia.