LLC "Wimm-Bill-Dann", Timashevsk
Fire-fighting equipment; pipe products; connecting parts of pipelines
Internal fire-fighting water supply system; building materials;
pipe products; connecting
parts of the pipeline.
Foaming agent "Merkulovsky" 1% (with a reduced freezing point -15C.
Tsaritsyn Dairy Plant, Branch of JSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann", Moscow
Fire fighting equipment and automation
Sprinkler fire extinguishing system; connecting parts of pipelines
The main production building.
Sprinkler fire extinguishing system; connecting parts of pipelines
Nizhny Novgorod Dairy Plant branch
JSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann" Nizhny Novgorod
Automatic fire alarm system, gas fire extinguishing system
Sprinkler fire extinguishing system; connecting parts of pipelines
Lianozovsky Dairy Plant, branch of JSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann", Moscow
Automatic installation of water fire extinguishing, internal fire water supply
Fire-fighting equipment; pipe products; connecting parts of pipelines