Glossary of engineering

Design is the process of creating a description, plan, or model of an object, system, or process that meets certain requirements and constraints.
Construction is the process of physically embodying a project in the form of a set of parts and assemblies ready for assembly.
Engineering is the provision of services or performance of works related to the development of projects, construction, installation, commissioning and operation of facilities.
Technological design is the development of technological processes and equipment for the production of products.
Architectural and construction design is the creation of projects of buildings and structures, including their layout, design solutions and design.
Engineering surveys are a complex of works on the study of natural conditions and factors affecting the construction and operation of facilities.
Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer programs to create drawings, three-dimensional models and other graphical representations of projected objects.
Computer modeling (CAE) is the use of specialized programs and methods to analyze the properties, characteristics and behavior of designed objects and systems.
Prototyping is the creation of physical models or samples of projected objects in order to verify their operability or appearance.
Computer-aided design (CAD) system is software designed to automate the design process.
Integrated design system - CAD, which allows you to perform all stages of design within a single system.
BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a building information modeling technology that allows you to create a virtual model of a building with information about its structure, materials, etc.
CAFM (Computer Aided Facilities Management) - automation of facilities and equipment management.
PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) - product lifecycle management, including design, development, production, maintenance and disposal.
Digital prototyping is the process of creating digital prototypes of objects using computer modeling and visualization.
Business process reengineering is the revision and optimization of an organization's business processes in order to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Lean manufacturing is a concept of production organization aimed at reducing losses and optimizing all processes.
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a supervisory control and data collection system for automating technological processes.
Low-current systems are systems that transmit low-current signals, that is, signals with a low level of electric current. Such systems include communication, alarm, video surveillance and others.
Access Control and Management System (ACS) is a system designed to control and regulate people's access to a certain territory or room.
The security alarm system is a system designed to detect attempts of unauthorized entry into an object and notify about it.
A fire alarm system is a system that detects signs of fire and notifies about them.
Video surveillance system is a system consisting of video cameras, monitors and recording equipment designed for visual control of the territory or premises.
The Evacuation Warning and Management System (ETS) is a system designed to alert people about a fire or other emergency situation and manage their evacuation.
A dispatching system is a system that provides control and management of building engineering systems such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting.
The smart home system is a system for automation and control of engineering systems and devices inside a house or apartment.
The energy accounting system is a system that allows you to control and optimize the consumption of energy resources such as electricity, heat and water.
An accident is a dangerous incident at an object associated with a fire or explosion that poses a threat to human life and health, leading to the destruction of buildings, structures, damage or destruction of equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production process and causing damage to the environment.
An emergency exit is a door, hatch, or other exit that is used as additional exits to evacuate people in the event of a fire or accident.
Automatic fire extinguishing is a fire extinguishing system that is triggered automatically when a fire occurs without human intervention.
An explosive environment is a room or area in which explosive mixtures of gases, vapors or dust with air can form.
The time of blocking escape routes is the time during which people cannot leave a building or room in case of fire, due to exposure to fire hazards.
Evacuation time is the time from the moment of the fire to the moment when people can leave the building or structure.
Remote evacuation control is a system for managing the evacuation of people from a building or structure, which allows evacuation without the direct presence of people in the building or structure.
Smoke removal is the removal of smoke and combustion products from buildings and structures to ensure the safe evacuation of people. Gorenje
The fire extinguisher charge is the amount of extinguishing agent contained in the cylinder of the fire extinguisher.
A fire zone is an area where gorenje occurs and the impact of fire hazards on people and material assets.
Fire extinguishing intensity is the consumption of fire extinguishing agent that is required to extinguish a fire of a certain area or volume.
Structural fire hazard class is a characteristic of an object or its parts according to their fire hazard, depending on the building materials and structures used.
Functional fire hazard class - classification of objects or their parts by purpose and fire hazard.
Fire elimination is the stage of the fire extinguishing process at which gorenje stops and the fire is completely extinguished.
Fire localization is a stage of the firefighting process at which the spread of fire is prevented and conditions are created for its elimination.
Minimum fire protection is a set of measures and means aimed at ensuring the fire safety of an object or territory.
A fire extinguisher is a portable or mobile device for extinguishing a fire by releasing a fire extinguishing agent.
Fire hazards are phenomena and processes that occur as a result of a fire and affect the safety of people and the safety of material assets.
Primary fire extinguishing means are devices, tools and materials designed to localize and extinguish a fire at an initial stage.
Fire safety is the state of protection of an individual, property, society and the state from fires.
Fire load is the amount of heat that can be released during the combustion of all combustible materials in a room or building.
Fire fighting equipment is a technical device designed to prevent, limit development, extinguish fire, protect property in case of fire and rescue people.
Fire risk is the probability of a fire and the impact of dangerous fire factors on people, taking into account their possible severity.
A fire barrier is a building structure with a standardized fire resistance limit and a fire hazard class designed to prevent the spread of fire.
The Evacuation Warning and Management System (ETS) is a complex of organizational measures and technical means designed to inform people in a timely manner about the occurrence of a fire and ensure safe evacuation.
Personal respiratory protection equipment (PPE) - devices that protect human respiratory organs from exposure to dangerous and harmful fire factors.
The degree of fire resistance of a building is the ability of a building or its parts to resist the effects of fire for a certain time.
Fire extinguishing is the process of exposure to forces and means, as well as the use of methods and techniques to stop gorenje and eliminate fire.